A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, September 14, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Just 6 days left for Scotia.
The weather forecast looks great with no rain in sight and temperatures in the 50's. Light winds out of the south at 6mph. It just doesn't get any better.
My goal is to finish my first marathon healthy, smiling and in 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Good luck Team!
Hey Doug,
The big day is almost here! I know that you are going to have a fantastic day. You have trained hard, taken care of yourself and, of course you will have your magic potion in your belt to fuel you to the finish. We will be on route cheering you on. Remember to take it one km at a time and you will be at the finish line in 3hrs 30 minutes before you know it! It has been a blast running with you over the past couple of months. Thank you for keeping us laughing on the long runs.
Take Care,
Scotia is in sight and the nerves are revving up. I just finished my first osteo course of second year so now I have time to dwell on the race! I am trying not to get my heart set on a sub 4 hour (just by a second would be great!) but I have it in my head that I will aim for a 3:57. Failing that, I'll be happy to beat my one and only marathon time of 4:36. I wish everyone else the best of luck on their races and call me with any aches and pains....I still need the practice! Stephanie
Wow - I can't believe that race day is almost here! I'm looking forward to crossing the finish line -upright and smiling!(that's always my goal in a marathon). 4:14:30 will be when I cross the line.It's been 2 years since my last marathon and it feels great to be here. Wishing everyone well in their events...
All the Best!
Hi Stephanie, Adrian, Doug, Ian and all of those who are going to run the Scotia Marathon:
It is hard to believe that the time has come to enjoy the fruit of all your hard work! Look at this Sunday's run as another long run with a lot more friends. I know that you all will do well, as I have witness the hard work and preparation you have done. Enjoy and do not worry about the finishing time. Remember to wave to all the cameras and smile at the end for a great picture of your finishing. I will be cheering for all of you.
Best of luck and look forward to hearing your experience at the marathon!
Doug, Stephanie, Ian and Adrian
Good luck to you all and have a great run on Sunday. I'll be sending you all positive vibes from Oakville as I can't come out and watch you on the day much as i would love to ( mother - in - law issues prevent me from being there!)
Adrian, if you find any bored looking lady runners wandering along close to the finish line be sure to pick them up and make them run in with you!
Doug, Stephanie, Adrian, Ian
I just checked the forecast and it looks like Sunday is going to be a perfect day for your race. I hope you all have great runs and I'm looking forward to seeing your medals and hearing the stories next week.
Good luck to all you Scotia marathoners! I can't believe the first of the marathons is almost here...I don't know about you but I feel like our course just started. Time really does fly and it certainly will on Sunday for you all as you heat up the pavement downtown. I look forward to hearing your stories and seeing your bling!
Hey Guys, It's Friday morning and the weather report looks PERFECT for marathon day. The Globe and Mail says they expect to have some courses records and that huge crowds will be showing up to cheer on Howlett's Heavy breathers (well...almost). If this is your first marathon, have a great day and remember to enjoy the view up the mountain. See you next week for your stories!
Doug, Adrian, Stephanie and Ian,
I am so excited for you all. Sunday looks like it is going to be absolutly perfect for your marathon, so now all you have to do is go out and enjoy. I will be out with my camera so smiles everyone. You have worked hard now enjoy the fruits of your labour (and bring home the hardware!!)
Hi to all those running Scotia,
Just think, in a few days you first timers will be able to say "I'm a marathoner" and... what a feeling that is!
Remember great times are wonderful but just being able to finish a marathon is an accomplishment in itself. You have a lot to be proud of so just take it all in and ENJOY!
Can't wait to see you next week to hear your stories. Wish I could be on the sideline to give ya support but I have the Run for the Cure. You'll be in my thoughts though.
Good luck!
Hi Scotia Runners
Good luck to everyone on Sunday - the weather looks perfect - you're all prepared and I know you'll have a wonderful race .... I'll be there cheering you on in the home stretch ... have a great run!
Hey Scotia Marathoners,
Wishing that everything goes perfectly for you all. Enjoy the race and tell us all about it at the next clinic.
Hey Scotia Runners,
Wishing you perfect weather and a great marathon! You have trained hard for this. Have a restful day before YOUR race. I know that you will be smiling for days to come!
Enjoy the race,
To all SCOTIA RUNNERS on sunday run,i hope everthing goes wel.GOOD LUCK
Hey Guys - It's Saturday night around 6:30pm. You've probably got all your running gear laid out and 4 alarm clocks set so you don't sleep in. It's going down to 11 degrees tonight so if you don't want to get chilled before the race - wear a plastic garbage bag with holes for your arms (that you can throw away just before the start). Scotia is a fast flat route - so remember to PACE yourself and head out on an even pace. Have an awesome run and make sure you have that smile on your face for the finishing line photo!
To all scotia runnres on sunday Ihope everthing goes well .GOOD LUCK.
Hey Socotia Runners
It's about 8p the night before the Big Day!
Maybe a few of you will have a bit of insomnia and actually be reading this evening.
Have a great race tomorrow. Looks like perfect running weather. We’re thinking of you and cheering you on.
One way to look at it is you’ll be all done with it while the rest of us still have our races to do.
Looking forward to hearing the stories and seeing those shiny medals this Thursday to encourage us who've yet to run.
Good Luck Scotia Marathoners.
Special best wishes to my favourite osteopath student. I know you'll do great!!
Hi guys!
By the time you read this you first timers we be MARATHONERS! What a great feeling huh! For those that had done one before it's still a wonderful feeling. I hope that you all had a great race. See you Thursday with the "bling"
Be sure to write on the blog to let us know how it went. Congrats!
Congrats on a great run guys!! I can't wait to see those finishing metals on Thursday.
Lynn said,
Adrian, Steph, Doung and Ian
Hope you all had the runs you wanted - looking forward to hearing about it. Hopefully you blog some comments when you are done. I'm off to Chicago on Thursday morning so will miss your comments at the clinic on Thursday.
Congratulations to all the Scotia marathoners! Way to go. You had a wonderful day, hopefully it didn't get too hot out on that course today. Be proud and enjoy your achievement, you all really deserve it! Look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the medals...
Way to go guys. Congratulations!!! There was alot of HHBers running today and you should all be so proud. I know we all look forward to hearing all about your marathon on Thursday.
Wear your hardware proudly. You derserve it!!
Congratulations Scotia marathoners! What a great day for a run. I always enjoy the part along Lakeshore where the course doubles back. I was watching for all of you while I was outward bound on my half-marathon. But you were just too speedy - I didn't see one familiar face!
I hope it went well for you and look forward to hearing your race reports on Thursday. Sleep well tonight. You've earned your rest.
Really Happy! Those 2 words sum up my day today at the Scotiabank Marathon. The weather was perfect, the bands were awesome and the volunteers and spectators great!I'm not sure of my finish chip time but I am sure it was pretty close to my goal.- I was fortunate to run my race with a great running partner,- Carol. It was her first marathon and I have to say I am really proud of her and her accomplishment. We ran together the whole way. Our pace was pretty consistant. We were fast by a minute than two up to and around 35 k. We were ahead of the 4:15 Adidas pace bunny who was doing a continous pace up until about then - when he got ahead of us. Felt strong most of the way. The last 4k were tough- but got through them and the finish line was there and our families waiting there sure was great! At about 34k Carol's youngest son ran with her-which was a real nice thing for me to witness. I feel the best I ever have after a marathon. No chafing, no bleeding, no torn muscles -just 2 black toes and feeling sore after one would expect to after doing this distance. I did a couple of things different this time around- I wrote out a list of things to prepare and I did a little "self affirmation" - writing down that I have trained for this and will do well. One of things on my list to bring was a positive mental attitude - which I kept reminding myself of when I started to get tired and sore. It sure was nice to run the whole marathon with someone. I know if I had run this without Carol by my side I would have walked alot more. Having someone there pushes you in a funny way- you don't want to let them down. Thanks Carol for the great run. To all the other members of the team running today - congratulations on a job well done. To Doug and Carol (and anyone else who did their first marathon today) Congrats on becoming Marathoners! Thank you to all of you for your great support. To SuperDave and B'Ann - thank you for being great leaders and having an awesome clinic - you guys rock!Kim thanks for getting those cool hats done for us. To everyone else who has their big race coming up - good luck and may you have a great experience. Better stop now- I feel I could go on and on...
Lynn said,
Congratulations Adrian and Carol on a great race! Well done.
to Adrian and Carol
Well done!! I thought about you guys all morning trying to send some positive energy as I looked at my watch and prayed it would not get any hotter. You gave some great advice in your blog about staying positve, I will carry that with me on my race day. Well done again....Sarah
To all going to Chicago, Hope you have a fantastic time and really enjoy your race. Best wishes and thanks to Mike and those of you in the 4-00 hour group for your support and advice on those long hot runs. All of my love to you girls who get up at 4 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ( special thanks to Lynn, we really appreciate you)
I know you have all worked hard - now go and run a great race!!!! ...... Sarah
Thabks to every one for all of your positive thoughts. I did the Scotia half. For th efirst time I actually understood plan your racxe and race your plan. i planned to keep my heart rate in the 3 - 4 zone and managed to keep it there for the whole race except the last kilometre. I had the best race I have ever had. This was definetely not my fastest race but easily the most enjoyable. By keeping to my plan I was actually able to sprint the last kilomtre O.K. sprint may be to strong a word. I finished the race with a big smile and felt great. I am ready for the next one.
Every one on the clinic has been fantastic and supportive as usual. Thank you all.
Hey Ian - that's great news. It's a great thing to have the satisfaction of successfully racing your plan. What a feeling of sprinting the last kilometer!
Adrian, Carol, and Doug - congratulations on completing Scotia!
First I'd like to thank everyone who was out their to support us in our efforts.
Words cannot describe the feeling of running the last km to the finish line.
When I realized that my time goal had slipped by I focused on enjoying the journey and the experience. Much of what I learned from the clinic allowed me to relax and have fun during the race.
Thanks to All....Doug
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