A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, September 14, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
The only person I know that is going to New York is Heather. So, I wish we could be there for you but..... we will be cheering you on and sending lots of strength your way. You've worked hard and you'll do well.
Hey Heather, New York is apparently an AWESOME marathon and one I want to do one day. Make sure you buy lots of stuff at the expo to show off when you get home!
Hey Heather;
You are not even tapering yet! Ouch. As we head off in Chicago, you will finish you last long run!
Enjoy the wildness of NYC! Good luck and have a tonne of fun!
Well I must say I'm very envious about everyone else tapering...I still have 5 weeks of training left. As one of the only two clinic people doing this marathon (good luck Alanna!), I'm a little worried about staying motivated for the next month while everyone completes their races. But I'm so excited about the chance to do NYC, that it helps!
I entered the lottery for NY way back in April--one day before the international deadline--strengthened by a particularly good long run (and a glass of wine). I hadn't even completed my first marathon yet but I thought doing NY "one day" would be a great experience. Hearing a lot of my friends talk about the slim lottery chances made me think I should get my first rejection under my belt so that I could apply for guaranteed entry in a few years. So imagine my complete SHOCK when I got an e-mail on May 15th--one painful day after completing Mississauga--saying that I actually got in!!! Definitely the opportunity of a lifetime that I couldn't say no to...even though I hadn't planned to fun a fall marathon.
My girlfriend Wendy (who bought entry through a RR package) and I have planned a very full itinerary (including 2 shows!) and you can bet I'll be pulling a B'Ann and shopping 'til I drop at the Expo. But mostly I'm aiming for a good marathon experience. I really don't care about my time, I just want to get there healthy and absorb everything going on--all 5 boroughs, the crowd support, the beautiful city itself. With only one full marathon under my belt, I'm not exactly sure what to expect...but I'm confident it will be fantastic!
Thanks to everyone in the clinic for making this summer so fun...and especially the 4:30 pace group who have made the miles go by quickly. Hopefully all our knees will hold up!
Lynn said,
As I read you descrition of your New York plan I decided that I want to do this one day. You can stay motivated given the way that you planned the ending. I want to hear your stories when you get back. Keep training in the journey towards a great marathon.
Heather: New York sounds great.
We'll be thinking of you training during Chicago which like New York is just another long run!
Everyone wants to run New York sometime so you are our trailblazer.
Congratulations on making the decision after a glass of wine(red or white?) so we know what to drink before we apply.
You will love, love, love the New York marathon. I did this race in 2005 with Margaret, my husband Bob, and another friend, Liz. All through my training, I listened to Frankie Sinatra singing "New York, New York" on my MP3 player. It was such a thrill to finally hear it played over the loudspeakers as we started our run across the Verrazano Narrows bridge. Of course, my race ended up being a walk since I developed a stress fracture just a few weeks before the race. Despite that, I had a WONDERFUL time and just got to enjoy the 5 boroughs a lot longer than everyone else! New Yorkers rock. You gals will have so much fun.
Wow! After reading everyone's comments I want to go! :) I agree with Lynn. This sounds like a great race to do. You sound like you have it all planned out and you'll be able to enjoy the race and New York.
I am sure that it has been tough getting ready for one of the last races but just know you have not been forgotten. You have been a strong member of the 4:30 group.
I wish I could say I was going to New York to cheer you on but I'll just have to settle with sending lots of good vibes your way.
Have a great race and I hope the weather Gods send a great day for you. I'll see you around before you go.
Hey Heather,
Just 3 more weeks to go ... wish I was going with you ... I'm undecided whether to try for New York next fall, go back to Chicago (unfinished business!) ... or do something totally different ... we'll talk when you get back!! Stay motivated the last couple of weeks - if you'd like someone to run with let me know!
Hi Heather and Alanna:
I wish you both a great race! This is one of the big five marathons and I hope that I will have the opportunity to do this race. From Norma's note, it sounds like a great race.
You both have trained hard and deserve a great day for your run. Enjoy the scenery and do not worry about time. I will be thinking of you. I look forward to hearing your stories from the race.
Best regards,
Hi Heather and Alanna,
It's almost here! I hope the runs have been going well and you enjoy the tapering.
I wish you all the best.
Hey Running Sister,a.k.a. Heather,
I'm getting so excited for you. I know you are going to have the most incredible trip to N.Y.C. I wish I could be at the finish line to scream and cheer for you. I'll be there in spirit. Maybe you will want to run it again one day and we can run it together. The countdown is on to the best race of your life.
Your race mantra!
Start spreading the news
I'm leaving today
I want to be a part of it, New York, New York
These vagabond shoes
Are longing to stray
And make a brand new start of it
New York, New York
I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps
To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap
These little town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York.
I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps
To find I'm king of the hill, top of the heap
These little town blues
Are melting away
I'll make a brand new start of it
In old New York
If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you, New York, New York.
Heather and Alanna
Doing New York is one of the best running experiences you will ever have...drink all the sights and sounds in as the memories will last you a lifetime! There will be about 2 million people who come out to cheer for the runners, it will seem overwhelming at times. Don't forget to wear a Canadian flag and put your name on your front so spectators can cheer for YOU! It does really help when you start to get tired! I hope you'll be feeling really strong on race day ...you have trained dilligently for this and I'm sure this will pay off!
I'll look forward to hearing your stories at our get together in Nov!
One week to go! Hope you have a great race pace run today. Sounds like an amazing race. Can't wait to hear your stories.
Heather, Alanna
New York is on my marathon "must do" list, so I'm looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.
I hope you both have a great trip and an awesome run.
Heather and Alanna
Good luck to both of you in the Big Apple next weekend. Hope you have a great experience in NYC.
Rich Baillie
Hi Heather and Alanna,
How exciting to race through the streets of New York City. Like a lot of our group, this is a race that I would like to run someday too.
I hope that you guys have a terrific time in NYC (with the Canadian dollar so strong, there should be great shopping opportunities !) and that the race is a lot of fun.
Hi Heather and Alanna,
I hope you both have an amazing time in NYC. I would love to do this race one day so I am really looking forward to hearing all the details of your runs at the party. You both look really strong so I am sure you will have a great race. I have to second what Avis said; take advantage of the exchange rate and go shopping (make B'Ann proud at the expo!). We will all be thinking of you on Sunday morning and will be looking for you on TV!
Best wishes for a great run,
Well, the NYC website countdown says 5 days, 18 hrs and 29 minutes...so that must be why the nerves have fully kicked in! But along with the nervous adrenaline is a lot of excitement and I must say, I'm really looking forward to running this race. I'm also hoping the sore throat I'm feeling today is my imagination :-) Thanks to everyone for their well wishes--just reading the blog and everyone's stories gets me even more psyched!
For anyone interested, I am bib #33253 but remember...I plan on taking the touristy version of this marathon. Anything less than 5 hours and I won't feel I've done enough sight-seeing :-)
Thanks again and I look forward to catching up with everyone on Nov 9th!
Alana - it has been great training with you over the summer - enjoy your marathon in New York - you are such a strong runner you will have a great race!
Heather - I had hoped to see you today to wish you luck - but you are obviously taking it easy with your throat. I hope that you feel better by the time you make your trip on Friday. Enjoy the race - I look forward to hearing all about it.
Go Heather! Go Heather! Go heather!
Heather and Alanna,
Well it is finally here!!!! Have a fantastic weekend in New York. You have both worked very hard so enjoy. See you on the 16th.
Hey Heather and Alanna, the weather is forecasted to be partially overcast, low of 6 degrees, high of 13 degrees and only a 10% POP. Sounds like a beautiful day for a run through the boroughs of NY!!!! See youon the 16th!
Best Wishes to Heather and Alanna for a great marathon this Sunday.
Heather, you are so ready for this marathon. You've done everything just right, so go and enjoy. Make sure you do some shopping while in N.Y. city. Did you need my sizes? Have a great time. I will be thinking about you all weekend, but especially Sunday at 10:10. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep.
Hi New Yorkers,
I hope I didn't miss you before you left. I've been having computer issues and have not been able to get on.
I hope you have a great time and a wonderful race.
Heather--- you are ready and I am sure you will do just fine.
Can't wait to see the pics and hear all about it.
I'll be sending great vibes your way. We'll be running the Hamilton 1/2 so we'll be there in spirit!
Hey Heather, I'm set up to track your race. It is only an hour away!
Have fun, weather looks PERFECT!
Mark and Lib
Congratulations Heather! It was wonderful to get all your updates,it made me feel like I was part of the experience. Way to go!
Hi Heather
Congratulations on completing the New York Marathon - and exactly in the time you wanted to finish ...good job!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Congratulations Heather!! You accomplished your goal in the marathon and I hope you enjoyed your tour of the 5 boroughs. I thought about you all day and kept tracking your progress. I look forward to hearing all about it. Now go and enjoy your celebratory dinner in the Big Apple!
Alanna, congratulations to you too on the NYC marathon! Those bridges obviously didn't cause you any problems. I hope you had a great day and a terrific experience in New York. Hope to see you on the 16th.
Alanna - I'm so excited about your run - what an amazing time for such a crowded course. I hope that your leg didn't give you to much trouble.
Heather - congratulations on a perfectly executed run, I hope that you took in all the sights and sounds and have some great stories to entertain us with.
Did either of you hang around long enough to see Tom Cruise at the finish?
Well as the finisher's t-shirt says, I came, I ran and while I didn't quite conquer the NY race course, I DID finish!!
What an amazing time I had in the Big Apple. Unfortunately, the primary reason I was there--the marathon--didn't go quite as planned. It started with a 3:45am wake-up call to ensure early arrival in Staten Island. We had been warned about lots of construction on the V-N bridge causing delays and didn't want to take any chances. So we arrived in SI by about 5:30am. I have new appreciation for homeless people because it was dark, cold and trying to sleep lying on the ground is pretty uncomfortable. But the energy in the staging area is amazing, breakfast is served and the diversity of people you meet is amazing! I met more people from Europe and South America than I ever have before.
Finally...the run. My corral had a wave start this year (again due to construction) so I didn't actually start until 45 minutes after the official 10:10 start time. I was very calm, too calm actually--which I should have recognized as an issue. I struggled from the get-go...no adrenaline rush, cramps, nausea, lost paceband, Garmin cutting out, iPod freezing up. My stomach was not accepting anything nutrition at all so miles 10-20 were difficult to say the least. The course was also very, very hilly--harder on me than I had anticipated. But the crowds were truly inspiring...Brooklyn, Queens, Manhatten, the Bronx and back to Manhatten...all the way there were tons of people yelling encouragement and urging us on. I broke one cardinal rule by wearing a brand-new shirt that I had bought the day before at Niketown...they were customizing them with your name so I wore that on race day. And I'm glad I did! Wow, do NYers love to yell your name...I felt like Paris Hilton!! At one point, an older lady in front of me said to her running partner "Who the heck is HEATHER???". Quite funny. But despite my discomfort, I was able to enjoy New York in a way that I could only do by running this marathon. No tour company could ever replicate seeing the different boroughs' personalities, the interesting neighborhoods and the amazing people that I experienced on Sunday. I feel like I made millions of new friends.
By the time I got to Central Park, I was feeling better...but darn, I forgot to look for Tom and Suri!! I must have passed Katie at some point because she would have started before me and I finished before her. Oh well, maybe next time :-)
Bottom line: despite having a less-than-A-game run, the New York marathon ranks as a top running experience for me. The organization of the event is stellar--even with 39,000 runners, we never encountered lines problems. During the 26.2 miles, I managed to overcome some difficulties to make it to the finish and even though I felt I had a better time in me, I'm satisfied with my 5:05:15, given the difficult day.
But I still feel I have a sub-5-hour marathon lurking somewhere...
Thanks to everyone for your unflagging support. Knowing friends and family were watching me gave me the boost I needed to make it from one 5K chipmat to the next. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Nov 16th!
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