A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, September 14, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Go terri go!!!! You have done your training and I think you'll have a great race. That'll make all worth while. I may try to be done there and get photos.
Terri, you can do it, your a great running mate. good luck with Niagara and maybe I wll join Kim in the crowd
Terri, you will do so awesome in this race! You have really stuck to your training (despite the knee issues that seem to be dogging the 4:30 group) and I can't wait to hear about your results. Thanks for being a great running partner and good friend.
Lynn said,
Terri have exciting to be getting this close to your first marathon. We will be cheering you on.
Terri have a great run.
It was neat starting in Buffalo with both national anthems sung then enjoying the architecture of the large homes, schools, and churches in the Buffalo portion.
It was a nice experience crossing the Peace Bridge last year on foot(plus the howling wind off Lake Erie) instead of usually being in a car.
Running along the river it's a gentle downhill with groups of high school students cheering at the water stations which increases your pace.
Have a great run.
As the bulk the 4:30 pace group does their final week countdown for Toronto, it seems odd that you and Heather aren't going to be there with us. We're going to miss you.
After were're done, you'll still have 2 weeks of tapering to go. I'm sure your knee and everything else will co-operate and you'll be in fine form for your big day in Niagara.
We're with you all the way during these last 2 weeks encouraging you all the way.
Okay Terri- your turn to cross the finish line! You have done so well during the training and have made the long runs fun. I am sure you will have a great race. You have already done one so you know you can do it. Hopefully this time will be a little easier for you.
Good luck and I hope you have good weather. We had a perfect day for Toronto.
Hi Casino Niagara runners,
Enjoy your run. Margaret, Lauri, Cindy and I will be thinking of you during our run (while we're not ogling marines, that is!). Have a fun day. I hope the wind is always at your back. All the best Kathy - I had a suspicion you might be doing a second marathon this fall! I look forward to hearing everyone's stories on November 9.
Well Terri, just 5 more days to go! I am so sorry I can't be in Niagara to cheer you on but I will be with you every step of the way in spirit. After all the miles we've logged together, it seems very strange for us to be running separate races! I guess that's the power of the HHB group...people who were strangers at the beginning become good friends through weeks of training and support. I've got fingers and toes crossed that the weather is good for you. I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
Terry, Kathy, Jamie:
5 days to go and the forecast is 12 degrees with sun and cloud.
Looking to be a good day, I won't check the weather again but I'll go out on a limb and state that it won't be 90 Farenheit so have a great run.
All the best 42.2 can offer,
Hi Terry, Kathy, Jamie:
Few more days before the marathon. I am sure that you will have a great time.
Enjoy the run and I will be sending good vibrations from here.
Best regards,
Just want to say good luck for those running this weekend. I am going to be down there to cheer you on. Of course I will have the camera to get some great actions shots.
See you then. Kim
Hi Kathy,
Wishing you a fast and fabulous marathon this Sunday!!!
Hi Jamie,
I don't think we've met but I'm hoping for a great marathon for you. If you are wondering who I am, just turn around and look at the back of the pack, I'm there somewhere.
Hi Terri,
Hopefully I will see you before the race on Sunday morning but if not have a fantastic time. Be confident in the miles of training that you have put in and strive to do the best you can on that day - that is my only goal for the race.
Happy running,
Hey Kathy, Jamie and Terri,
Have a great time this weekend...the weather looks great and don't forget to spend your $1.03 Canadian dollars when you are on the other side!
Hey Niagara runners
Hope the wind is at your back on Sunday for a nice fast marathon, especially for those of you who are trying to qualify for Boston!
Teri - I'm glad we got a chance to do some of our training together, I really enjoyed it. (Maybe someday I'll make it into your pace group!) I wish I could be there to see you finish and see that fabulous smile of yours as you blaze past the finish line! You go girl!
Hey Terri, Kathy and Jamie,
Have a fantastic run on Sunday. I wish I was going to be at the finish line to see you guys finish where I now you will all be very strong. The weather is to be perfect so relax and enjoy.
Lynn said,
Have a great day tomorrow Niargra runners. Enjoy the run. Wish I could be there to see you finish. Looks like great weather.
Well, less than 18 hours to go. Not sure if what I'm feeling in my stomach is nausea or excitement. Let's go with excitement. Looking forward to a great run tomorrow. I'm not going to worry about my time. I'm going to enjoy the day and be thankful that I am in good enough physical condition to do this distance.
Good luck to Kathy and Jamie!!
Terri - fellow 4:30 pace groupee :)
Excitement sounds good !
Finally here's your chance to do what you've trained so long for.
Hope everything goes well tomorrow.
Us 4:30 pace groupees are all cheering loud for you.
Kathy and Jamie
Hope you have a great run as well tomorrow.
Best of luck to everyone running Niagara on Sunday, especially my oldest brother Greg, who will be running his first marathon.
It looks like tomorrow is going to be a perfect day for running, and I'll be out there to cheer you guys on.
Congrats to all the Niagara runners! Terri, I'm so proud of you...congrats on a great race! I thought about you all morning, and can't wait to hear all about it.
Congratulations Terri!! You ran a fantastic race today in not so perfect conditions. Hope you are treating yourself to something delicious tonight!!!!
Take good care!
way to go Terri and Kathy. The wind was tough but you both toughed it out. Sorry we missed you at the finish Kathy but we did see you around 40k and Terri you looked good out there
Congratulations all of you on your race today! Barbara and I were out for a run, the temperature seemed nice but it was windy in Oakville and I imagine it was pretty gusty down there near the Niagara river. 42.2 km is an awesome distance to run - and something yu will remember for a long long time - congratulations!
Congratulations to everyone who finished Niagara today. I was down there to cheer on my brother, he'll be 52 next month and finished his first marathon in 4:19!
I saw Kathy go by at the finish line with a real determined look on her face - so focused that she didn't hear me yelling her name! I didn't see anyone else, but my brother said the winds were really tough out there so for anyone who finished the race in those conditions, it's something to be really proud of.
Hi Guys,
Congratulations to all the Niagara Marathoners!
Kathy you did awesome! I looked for you at the start area a couple of times, but obviously didn't find you. I thought about you often during the race and wonder how you were feeling. When I hit 35k I was mentally congratulating you because I knew you were probably done (Hmm, did I say congratulating, maybe I meant I was cursing you for being done already). Fabulous run! Congratulations!!
I had a really tough run, but it was a great day and I will cherish the memory of it forever. The day began with me nervously waiting for the shuttle bus, I met a very nice man who has run 71 marathons. This was his 11th time doing Niagara. I asked him for his advice about the course and he said "it's a great course as long as the wind is blowing in the right direction." I'm not sure, but I think the wind was blowing the wrong way. I took the shuttle bus from Niagara Falls to the start area and in my nervous frenzy I got off the bus leaving my premixed gatorade and gels behind. When I realized I had forgotten my bottles on the bus, I dashed to the bus drop off area only to see the last bus pulling away. I ran after this bus and must have made enough of a scene for the driver to notice me because he stopped. It wasn't the bus that I had been on, but this driver was so nice, he radioed all the other bus drivers and had them pull over and check their buses for my bottles. A very nice woman bus driver found my bottles and drove back to the start area and handed them to me. Boy, did she get a big hug. The start of the race was beautiful, but I had an extremely nervous tummy which was causing some nausea. I couldn't shake this nervous feeling, it pretty much lasted from the start to 40km. This made it very difficult to take in the much needed premixed gatorade and gels which I had made a fool of myself to get. It was so wonderful to see Kim, Kais and Jim along the way. Their support made all the difference and I'm not sure I would have finished without them. A great day. Yahoo, I'm done!!
Big Thanks to:
Dave and B'Ann for running a great clinic.
Stephanie, due to her great work I had no knee pain during the race.
Kim, Kais, Jim, Heather, Laura and Denise for being great training buddies.
Pete, for putting up with his absentee wife every Sunday for the last few months.
Otta go Heather !
I was tracking your splits during the race and trying to send you good karma. Hope you were able to pick up on it.
Congrats !
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