A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, April 06, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
OK Kathy,
You can so do this. Lets face it it is just a little bit faster than you long run pace and if it gets tough just do a long run.
It is not an ambitious goal, your time trial proved that.
I wish I could be there to cheer you on. Try to visualize me, I will be cheering. Think of Jo and all the funny things she would say, look at the real estate at around 30k.
I know you will do amazing, but remember that no matter what the outcome you will have done 3 back to back marathons (one being the Goofy). I don't think that any of us could accomplish that.
You go girl!!!!
Chris and Colin,
Good luck to both you guys. You don't need it. You guys are in fine form. Get that spot at the very front of the starting line and save room for Kathy. I think the Oakville runners are going to clean up in Toledo.
We will be with you!!
Hi Kathy, Chris and Colin,
Kathy - wishing you much success in Toledo. You are so ready for this race. You look amazingly strong. I know you have it in you to have a tremendous marathon. I will be thinking about you. Really, really enjoy it Kathy!!!
Chris and Colin - I know you have trained really hard for this race. I also know that you are looking very strong and are ready for race day. Wishing you all the best in Toledo!
Mary Lynn
Hey Kathy - it was great to run with you this morning on your 16 km race-pace. You look strong and you are going to have a GREAT day in Toledo. Run it as a 33km race at racepace and then make your decision what you want to do. I know you will have a personal best and you deserve it!!!
Chris and Collin, I'd wish you guys the best as well but you have both insulted me too much in the past on long runs. Haha - just kidding, you guys looked great at Around the Bay and I'm confident the last few months of training will pay off. I wish all you guys a flat fast and wind-free course. Go for it!
Hi Kathy I wish you all the best in Toledo .it has been fun running with you this winter.SO GO KICK SOME ASS and bring home the money and medal ,i will be thinking of you in Boston,GOOD LUCK PS. you were write it's my fault you belong on the 3.30 pace group.
Hi Kathy, Chris and Colin:
Kathy, best of luck in Toledo. You have trained very hard and you are well prepared for the marathon. You ran both The Chilly Half and the Around the Bay runs very well and well planned. Follow your schedule and you will have no problems. I will be thinking of you during your run. Go and show Joe that you do belong to the 3:30 pace group! (ha ha. PS. We need to start booking the hotel in Boston!
Chris and Colin, best of luck in your marathon. You both look in great shape and are running very strong.
Look forward to hearing the stories from all of you.
Good luck you guys.
May the wind be at your backs!
Hi everyone
Thanks for your best wishes and encouragement. Looking forward to the big race this weekend (Toledo) in hopes that next year I will be a little northeast - Boston. To the Boston bound, good luck and enjoy the day. Kathy and Alan, we will see you in Toledo.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your kind words of support. I will certainly carry them in my head and draw on them in the race when things get tough. Race day is less than a week away! I can't wait, but at the same time, I wish it was over. I have a long list of goals for this marathon, ranging from making it through with no tummy troubles to getting a certain time. I have had a great time training for this marathon. It's amazing how much fun you can have even with Mighty Joe constantly trying to kick you out of the 3:30 group :)
Chris and Colin - I know the two of you are going to have amazing runs on Sunday. You both look strong and you have worked so hard towards your goals. I'll be waiting for you at the finish line (hahaha, wait a minute, other way around). See you in Toledo!
Hi Kathy
How can this marathon be so close? I must have missed more of the clinic than i thought!
I can't tell you how much I will be rooting for you on Sunday - I know that you will run at your best without me to distract you at 30K. In fact what will you find to occupy your mind without your interesting stomach and my comments on architecture!
Focus, Focus, Focus - this is your marathon, you've trained hard and you deserve your success.
Better still ,imagine how smug you can feel next Thursday when you've run your marathon and we still have weeks to go!
Chris and Colin
Get those bony asses around Toledo as quick as you can!
Seriously guys, you've trained so hard and improved so much this winter - we're all in awe! Go for it - you know that this is your year to qualify!
p.s why wouldn't you do it the easy way like the rest of us and just wait to get old enough to qualify? I'm sure it hurts less!
Hey Gang,
Thanks for all the support. Looking forward to the race this weekend and to share the stories over a pint when we return.
Good luck Bostonians and have fun!
Congrats on finishing! I hope that your race went well and you enjoyed the day.
Looking forward to hearing the stories this week.
... Cathie
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for not writing sooner. Toledo didn't go the way that I had planned and it has taken a couple of days for me to get my head around my run. I ended up walking off the marathon course at 34K. I have no real explanation for what happened or what went wrong; I had trained properly, I was injury free but on Sunday I just wasn't feeling it. I felt sluggish, uninspired and kind of bored. I was pretty angry with myself on Sunday night and yesterday, but am now coming to realize that this is not the end of the world. Thank you for all your emails of support; they really did lift my spirits! I have not decided whether I will try and run something else this spring or if I will just wait until Chicago.
I'm looking foward to seeing everyone on Thursday and hearing the Boston stories!
Take Care,
Hey Kathy - sometimes this stuff happens and sometimes you can't explain it. It could have been overtraining (remember, you have done 2 marathons since last September), it could be a cold coming on, it could be that lousy headwind. I walked off the marathon course in Detroit so I feel your angst. Remember, as John Bigham always says, it's not the courage to finish, it's the courage to start. My suggestion is that your body is telling you that it's a little overtired and for you to crank down the training until the next course starts in June. Do some light spinning, some nice walks in the woods with Allan, cheer on the HHBers at their marathons this Spring and you will be fresh and ready to go for the summer.
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