A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, April 06, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
From Lynn
This is the marathon I've registered to run. Although I haven't heard of anyone else in the clinic running it yet - a couple of women I run with Tuesday and Wednesday morning will be running it so I'll have company. Hopefully there will be others in the 4:30 pace group that will be training for another marathon the same weekend - Buffalo and Ottawa so that the Sunday disctances will work out. Until after the Bay I'm good with the Mississauga schedule but after the Bay I'll have to focus on the Bayshore timing.
Hey Lyn, This looks like a great marathon with some nice scenery! You are going to be the person on the clinic showing off your unique Bayshore marathon medal. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help - BTW the Ottawa people are running their marathon the same weekend.
Lynn, I'm not sure I'll see you before your marathon but wanted to wish you best of luck at Bayshore! Good luck to you and Johanna (not sure about that spelling!)...sending good vibes your way! And good luck on your 32km this weekend.
Lynn said
Thanks for the good wishes Heater. Johanna and I did our last long run this morning. It was one of the best long runs we've had yet. We did 36K and felt like we could have done the last 6K.
I feel mentally more ready this time. Last time I was really concerned about time and hills and what I'd feel like finishing. This time I feel a bit better prepared. Obviously I'll have to wait for race day to see how it goes but I'm really looking forward to it - now that the last long run is behind us. Both Johanna and I are running the Mississauga half as a training run so we'll get to see all you Mississauga marathoners take to the payment for your big day.
Hi Lynn,
Your day is almost here...less than two weeks to go! You looked great when B'Ann and I saw you near the end of the half on Sunday. You have worked so hard and are really ready for this race. I hope that you have a great day with great weather. We will all be with you in spirit!
Best of luck for a great run,
Hi Lynn:
May 26 is coming soon and you will be running your marathon! You must be exited about the marathon. I know that you have trained hard and you are more than ready! I took a peak at some of the pictures in the marathon site and it looks like you will have great scenery and great views! Enjoy the day! We will be thinking of you and sending you good vibrations!
You will do great and I look forward to hearing your re-counting of the marathon.
May the wind be behind you and the cramps stay away!
Wishing you an excellent race day Lynn.
We will all be thinking about you.
Stay strong - you can totally do this!
Mary Lynn
Hey Lynn:
You know I think you are great and an inspiration to many.
I hope that you have a great race day and most of all I hope that you have fun.
I wish I could be there to support you on the sidelines. But, just remember that you will be in my thoughts and I'll be sending you lots of strength that day.
Have a great trip and a wonderful run.
Your friend,
Thanks for the encouragement! It was so exciting to watch everyone come in on Sunday. The weather was great and so many people looked so great as they came in. It was fun to cheer you on. I'm getting anxious for the day to get here. I am in extra handwashing mode and am at the stage where I need extra lotion to keep from taking the skin off. There are a number of sick people at work - I've wiped down everything in my office twice this week and they are beginning to think I'm a bit neuotic.
Only 10 more sleeps
Hey, Lynn!
Your marathon is approaching and you must be getting excited. On Sunday, you seemed so ready and looked really strong. You have trained hard so I'm sure you will do great.
I wish for you a fantastic run and that the weather is just as great as it was at Mississauga.
... Cathie
Hey Lynn - it was great to se eyo last night at QE. Have fun on your racepace run tomorrow and let's keep our fingers crossed for Mississauga-weather for you on raceday!
Have a great race in Michigan on Sat. May the weather be perfect and the wind be at your back. Enjoy!! Don't forget to bring your medal to the party, I want to see it. Have a terrific run.
Lynn: Have a great run next Saturday in Traverse City.
I know you will with the consistent training you have completed. I agree with Kim, you are an inspiration to all of us as you stick to a schedule and persevere throught the windchill and the rain!!
It's always a pleasure to run 32K with you and finish for the post run coffee analysis.
Hey Lynn,
I hope the weather is as perfect for your race day as it was for Mississauga, and that your run is everything you want it to be. After all the training miles you've done and all the cheerleading you did for the rest of the clinic, now it's your turn to have a great day!
Good luck,
Dave O.
Just looked at the US weather station - 6 sleeps to go and they are now predicting 16 degrees and thundershowers. A long run in the rain. How likely are you to be hit by lightening if you are wearing a garmon? Hope it is fiction rather than fact.
Well...the only thing you need to worry about re lightning is your magnetic personality!! LOL remember, any forecast longer than 4 days out is science fiction. You are going to have a GREAT day Lynn!
Hey Lynn,
I am not sure when you are leaving so I hope I catch you before you go.
Don't worry about the weather... it's like the Boston gang said..... we have trained in all kinds of weather so you are ready no matter what kind of day it is.
I hope you get some pics... tell Tom :):) I can't wait to hear about it when you're back.
I'll be thinking about you.
Have a great, safe, and fun trip.
3 more sleeps - I am now getting a little nervious. The weather forecast says 20 degrees and thundershowers - the day before says 19 degress and sunshine. I am hoping for slow moving weather patterns. If any of you have any infleunce with the weather gods I appreciate you putting a good word in for great race weather.
My bid number is 137 for anyone that wants to look up results. I will leave town tomorrow morning and be back on Monday
Don't worry about the weather, it is still far enough away to be a mystery. Concern yourself with the things you do have control of. Make sure you have gear for everything. Better to have some clouds than that sun beating down on you. It will be great.
I look forward to hearing about it and seeing the hardware.
Hi Lynn,
Race day is so close, I am so excited for you! Have a safe journey down to Michigan. Take it easy once you are there and don't try anything new or crazy for dinner on Friday night! We will all be thinking of you on Saturday morning. Above all enjoy yourself...this race is the celebration of all the hard work in have put in since January!
Best wishes,
Hey bib 137 LOL - remember to "liberally lube" so unexpected puddles don't cause blisters (e.g. Vaseline is your friend!) Michigan looks like a nice small marathon so I'm sure you'll meet lots of people who like the small races. I hope you and Tom have a great weekend!
Hi Lynn
Have a great race - I'm sure that the weather will be on your side.
If it is rainy then pay particular attention to lubing your feet. I ran one marathon in torrential rain and lost my big toe nails through my feetslipping in my shoes.
Good luck, start out slow and enjoy it!
See you at my place for the party!
Good luck Lynn...you'll do great on Sunday whatever the weather! But I will send all my "dry" wishes your way.
Enjoy Michigan and tell Johanna good luck too!
Best of luck, Lynn
I'll be thinking of you on Saturday and sending you good thoughts - I know you'll do great. See you at the party!
Hi Lynn:
I hope this reach you before your race. I wish you a great run and do not worry about the weather. Remember we had few runs with rain and wind. You might want to take a second pair of shoes and socks to change before the race starts, so your feet will be dry.
Star easy and enjoy the run. we will be following from here and sending you good wishes.
See you at the party and bring your medal and jacket!
Hi Lynn :-)
I too hope this reaches you before the run!!
Have a great great day-
cant wait to hear all about it and see your awesome new medal!
see you soon!!
love jenn.xo
Go Lynn!
I don't know if you will see this before tomorrow's Marathon but wanted to pass along my best wishes. According to the Weather Network, there isn't any rain predicted between Friday and Saturday afternoon (yeah!).
Hope that you and Tom have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your race!
... Cathie
I almost forgot that your race is on Saturday..... all good thoughts being sent your way!
Hope you can get this from Michigan :)
It's Saturday and I'm sending strength and good thoughts your way.
Hi Lynn:
congratulation's on completing the marathon. I hope that you had a good time and you are pleased with your race. See you next week to see your medal and hear the stories. Are you going to Queens Head on Thursday?
Thanks for all the well wishes!
Traverse City was a great marathon location. It is a pretty resort town with good food. The timing is before their high season so we got amazing accomodation very reasonably (a well apponted lake front two bedroom condo for 3 nights at $315US - it looked great on the internet but I was worried that it was too good to be true - it wasn't). The route was beautiful, the organization was good and the weather cooperated - I'm sure that was because you all influenced the weather gods - I worried about the thunderstorms - they held off till we were leaving today. For the most part my run was good - had a stitch between 25K and 35K that wouldn't leave. Fortunately by 36K it had had enough of me and I'd definiately had enough of it and I was able to run the last 7K feeling much better than the previous 10K. I shaved 29 minutes off my fist marathon time and came in at 4:38. My husband Tom was at the finish line with roses. It was great to have him at the race with me this time. I had hoped to finish between 4:30 and 4:40 so was pleased. Next time I want to run the 25K to 35K section better and get in under 4:30. I signed up for my next clinic today. It isn't easy to run a marathon but feels like a great accomplishment when it is done - even more so with this time than the first one. I appreciated everyone's support throughout the clinic and especially the last couple of weeks when your marathons were done. A special thanks to the women I ran with on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings all winter - without Sarah, Avis and Johanna I wouldn't have been able to train as well as I did.
Congratulations Lynn on your personal best - that's terrific! And Tom had roses at the finishing line? What a guy - can I get him to cheer for me in the future?
Looking forward to seeing you in person and hearing about your marathon.
Congratulations Lynn! You had an amazing run today. I can't wait to see the medal and hear all the details. Have something delicious for dinner and make sure that Tom takes good care of you while you are resting!!!!
Congratulations Lynn. What an amazing run. You should be so proud. And Tom you're making our husbands look bad, what a great support you have been. Can't wait to hear more.
Congratulations Lynn. Well done, that wasn't race pace you accomplished, that was "smokin pace" you burned it up, way to go.
See you at the next clinic.
Way to go Lynn! Congrats on the PB! See you at Jo's...
wow lynn- that's incredible!! congratulations :-)
soo you at jo's!
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