A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, April 06, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
If any of you guys are foing to do this race, make sure you wear baggy pants and tie your hair up. Otherwise, Joe may mix you up with a lady (like on a previous race).
I'm looking for a lift to the race. Would anyone be able to pick up a stray? Gas money is on me and I'm willing to pay for premium...
Hi Mike & Dave,
I will not be able to make Run The Around The Bay Road Race this Sunday as a result of my Hockey team making it into the Finals this evening and the Finals being March 25th.
I am attaching a copy of my Race Confirmation. As I cannot make it, if you know of anyone that is looking to run they are welcome to this at no charge. As I will not be able to attend the clinic this Thursday I’ll let you hand this over or forward to anyone you know that couldn’t get registered in time.
Thanks. Have a great run this Sunday!
Cam Brown
Hi Folks-
Looks like I'm not going to be able to make the race either so if you or anyone you know would be interested in my bib drop a line to oakville@runningroom.com.
Still have room form 2-3 people in my van, if you live around Sixth Line and Dundas give me call 905-808-1651
Barbara and I are going to run tomorrow and do a sub-3hour ATB. That's a little bit faster than a 3:45 pace group long run pace, but slower than the 3:30 long run pace. We won’t be doing a marathon so this will be our race to do together (under the bibs kindly donated by Blake and Megan Hanna).
Barbara, Karen, Doug and I had a great run.
We hit our splits exactly for a 3 hour ATB. 59.36 the first 10km, 59.34 for the second 10 km and we all negative split the run.
Barbara and I did the last 10 km in 57.52
Hi Guys
The rest of the 3.45 group all did negative splits too - my first one ever!
I thoroughly enjoyed this race , I astounded myself with my performance given my somewhat sporadic training so far this clinic.I high fived the little man playing " We will Rock You" ( at Dave's insistance) and I ran all the way up the big hill.
It's by far the best organised race that I've run since moving to Canada almost 2 years ago, and so great to get soemthing decent to eat at the finish.
Dave is right about pacing yourself and not going out too fast - it really does work. Lets see if the theory is as successful over 42K at race pace!
Thanks to B'Ann, Cheryl, Mary Lynn, Dog, Karen, Dave and Barbara for keeping the pace and keeping me entertained throughout! Well done to everybody else.
What a great race! This is the first time I've done the whole 30K solo and had a great time doing it. Thanks to Delores, Lisa S., Cathie and Jennifer for making it go by so fast (especially Cathie for keeping us on pace). We managed to stick to our LSD pace and came in around 7:39/km, well within our range. Better yet, we all felt strong at the end, with gas still in the tank so to speak. Thanks also to Mother Nature for such a great day...we couldn't have asked for much more! Looking forward to Mississauga!
What a fabulous day. There is alot to be said for pacing yourself. I felt strong right through the hills and then Doug and I counted down the people we passed on the last 3k. I think Doug had us about 148 very empowering.
This was a good confidence booster for me, which I neeed.
Boston here I come (I think)!
Hi Everyone,
What an awesome day! The weather was great and it seems as if EVERYONE had an amazing run! I had a great time running the bay. True to training form the 3:30 group was a little ahead of pace but everyone was feeling great and we went with it. It was amazing how easy the hills on North Shore seemed when you knew that you only had to run them once!!!!! Pacing through the race allowed us to pick it up at the top of the hill and it was a great confidence boost to run a tempo pace after 26K. Dave was right, it is amazing how many people you can pass along York (although I forgot to count)! Congratulations to everyone on a great run!!!!
Hi Everyone,
We too had a good race. I race with Avis and Sarah through out. We started out wanted to finish in 3:30 - but thought we should heed good advisce and start slow. We ran each 10 faster than the one before - the first in 1:13 - pretty much LSD, the second in 1:08 - and the final in 1:04. We all felt great finishing the race and although it took effort felt like we could do more. It was fun to pass people in the final 4KM. The weather couldn't have been better.
I hope that everyone feels just as good the day after. All the training really paid off as I did not feel as tired yesterday as when we did the 29km run (out & back along North Shore) the previous Sunday.
It was really hard not to pick up the pace but Dave's words kept running through my head - "this is your training run not your marathon", "plan to run and run to plan", "it's a successful run if you meet your goal and don't come in ahead of time" and "ATB is all about pacing." We ran together and enjoyed the day. I now feel more confident about doing the mararthon.
Congratulations to all that ran!
... Cathie
Hi Dave,
just wanted to say thanks to you and Barbara for all your support on Sunday's run. I had a fantastic time running with you both. Barbara - thank you so much for helping me to learn pacing (although I realize I still have lots to learn). I had a great run and ran the last 8k at my own pace and finished the last 4 k very strong. My chip time was 1:51:08 ( a negative split of just over 6min!). At the end I felt like I could run another 12k. I'm inspired and now feel like a Marathon is within my grasp. Thanks again - and I can't wait for Mississauga!
Great run for the 4:15 group, it was colder than predicted and we all ran a bit faster. Lesson learnt,you can't count on meeting your group in a large event as this you must be prepared to run on your own. Even with two backup meeting places we still missed Crystal at the start and she ran alone. Well done Crystal for having you pace band and watch ready.
Congratulations to all finishers! I had a great run with the 3:30 group and we managed to stay within pace (well most of the time). I learned three things from this run:
Go early to the race if you need to check a bag! Mike and I had to go and check our bags, and there was a big lineup that delayed us to go and meet the group at the Sheraton Hotel
Make sure you have a Plan B for a meeting place. I know that Mike did have a second option in case people did not get to the first meeting place. I almost had to run by myself as I was not able to go to the Hotel. Thanks to the sharp eyes from Jamie, who saw me, we were able to run together.
Make sure that you carry your pace band. My hear rate monitor did not work at all, so I was not able to monitor my effort through the heart rate. It was thanks to the pace band that I was able to check if we were at the right time at the right Km.
It was a great run and it was nice to see so many smiling faces at the end of the race, especially from HHB.
Hi Tom, great photos, thanks for coming out to support us.
Hi everyone,
It's me Mary Lynn ... the one who signed up for the clinic, but has only been once so far. Yes, I am training for a spring marathon ... just seems that Thursday nights have been a challenge this time around to make it to the clinic.
I ran the ATB with Cheryl, B'Ann, and Jo. It was such a great run. As everyone else, we used it as a training run. We were planning on about a 3:00 hour run, and came in at 2:54. Felt awesome the whole time ... especially on the hills. We too had a negative split. It's amazing how that big hill didn't seem so big this time around ... all the hill training does really pay off.
Lesson learned: do not do hill training 2 days before the Bay race. I squeezed in my 7 hills on Friday afternoon when I got back from vacation. The quads felt a bit sore as a result on Sunday. :)
We perhaps should have taken our 3rd gel. We took our 1st gel behind schedule as we were looking for a dumpster to pee behind. We have to try and kick the pee-breaks at 10 km before the marathon comes around.
Otherwise, an excellent day overall. The ATB is such a well-organized machine ... and I just LOVE getting a medal for a long-run. :)
Great run everyone, and so many lessons learned, Dave should start his PhD based on all the individual experiments(runners)!
What I Learned:
1) I hadn't completed enough training runs due to illness, injury, family functions so knew it was safer to stand on the curb with a camera and cheer.
2) Cheering is great and you don't need an Ice Bath after the run.
3) Mid week runs with the scenery of San Francisco and the Napa Valley in 65 degrees spoil a person. France and Heather great choice picking Big Sur Marathon.
4) We have a great group of fantastic people which makes one forget about California quickly.
See you Thursday,
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