A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Friday, April 06, 2007
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Hi to all:
Marathon day is coming closer! As usual, I am starting to have butterflies in my stomach and anxious about the race. I look forward to running the Boston marathon and enjoying the crowd support. If you go to the website on race day, April 16, you can track my progress. Just enter my bib number 10670.
Thank you all for your support. I look forward to running with B'Ann, Joe and Mark. HHB training does work!
Best regards,
Well I have more than butterflies in my stomach. I am still in total disbelief that I am really going to Boston. Every time I think about it I feel like I might be sick (i'll work on that).
I feel honoured to have qualified for the same race as Mario, Joe and Mark. When I see the company I will be keeping I keep thinking it must be a mistake.
I can do this thing right??????????
HI B'Ann:
You worked hard for this and you deserve to be running the Boston Marathon! You can do it and we will be waiting for you at the finishing line!
Best regards,
Ha! Maybe B'Ann will be waiting for you guys at the finish line! :)
The 4 of you are going to have the time of your life. I wish only the best for all of you.
Thank you France, I was just about to add the very same comment!
B'Ann, Mark, Mario and Joe,
I wish the four of you the very best for your Boston adventure. You proved yourselves when you qualified, so treat Boston as a celebration of all your hard work. I have been so lucky to have shared many running hours with all of you. You are amazing runners, but more importantly, amazing people! Enjoy your 26.2 mile victory lap!!!!
All the Best,
Kathy I like that a 26.2 victory lap! That should take the stress away.
Joe, Mario, B'Ann & Mark,
Have a great time in Boston! Look forward to hearing all about it.
Once again thank you for all the support that you guys have given me for going to Boston. I really appreciate it. I'm looking forward to running side by side with Mario from start to finish. My Bib # is 9705 if you want to track me. I'll have lots of stories when I come back!
P.S. BN I know its nerve racking for the First time going to Boston, You'll have lots of fun! GOOD LUCK!.
Trucker Joe
So I get up this morning to do my 16k race pace run and I am not very healthy. This happens to me almost every marathon. I think I stress myself out so much I make myself sick. I still got dressed and drove down to the store but decided on the drive down I would listen to Dave's voice I heard in my head and rest instead of run. (I will struggle with my decision all day)
I still think I will be ok for Boston if I rest this weekend, but there really is no such thing as perfect training. Life happens and we just have to work around it.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Morning Joe, Mario and B'Ann,
Have a great run in Boston. Congratulations to each of you for qualifing. Enjoy the fruits of your labour. I see each of you running the best run of your life. Have fun! You desere to enjoy it. We'll all be cheering from here.
B'Ann - I'm sure you will be feeling better soon. Visualize yourself healthy and running the best race of your life.
Hi to all:
Thank you for the good wishes. It is great to have such a great support from the group!
B'Ann, do not worry, you are ready for Boston. Look at it in this way, you will be rested and ready to do the marathon in Boston!In addition, remember we still have two more runs at race pace; Tuesday and Wednesday.
See you on Thursday,
Hi B'Ann, Mario, Joe, and Mark!
I wanted to wish you all the best of luck in Boston.
Each one of you is outstanding, and have achieved such an amazing accomplishment. You should be so proud of yourselves. We are all very proud of you.
Enjoy each mile...and every experience that comes to you that day.
Looking forward to seeing you Boston Marathoners when you get back home.
Mary Lynn :)
There once was a trucker named Joe
Who decided he wasn't so slow,
As his feet became fleeter
(He got rub-downs from Peter)
And now he's the fastest we know.
Then Mario came into the team
A Mexican who really was keen
He runs by his heart
(Though sweat plays a part)
Now he's running the Boston dream
And finally our own sweet B'Ann
A cheerleader who wouldn't say "damn"
Though she's a bit of a talker
(She scatters walkers who block her)
Now Boston is part of her plan.
We're with you all in spirit guys (and Mark too from HHB Fall 2006!) You guys have a great time in Boston and kick some butt!
Hi B'Ann, Mario, Joe, and Mark!
have a great time in Boston, hope it gets warmer by next Sunday. Enjoy taper week and have a safe trip. I will be thinking of you.
Hi B'Ann, Mario, Joe and Mark,
It's been a great experience for me to get to know you all. Thanks so much for your encouragement, support and kind words.
"Dreams are goals with timelines!"
Live your dream!
We will be with you in mind and spirit!
Go get 'em kids. YOU CAN DO IT! Hopefully next year you will have an even bigger following.
B'Ann, Joe, Mario, Mark
Have a great time we are all cheering for you.
B'Ann you've already done the hard work qualifying a year ago in the East Wind off Lake Ontario (could be a Lightfoot song?). Now you get to party and get a great medal and a cool jacket so the stress is really a year behind you. Have a great time. Besides, how hard can it really be (even Joe and Mario have completed it)!!
Have a great time all of you, you inspire the rest of us!
To those "Boston Bound"
Best of luck on your race, you'll have lots of people sending good karma your way. Hope the weather cooperates and you all have a fun time! B'Ann, we'll miss you at the pool on Monday but will be anxious to hear all the great stories--you'll do fabulous!
B'Ann, Mario, Joe and Mark
I won't be at the clinic tomorrow night, so I won't be able to wish you well in person. I'll make a point of sending some good vibes from North Carolina up to Boston on race day.
Thanks for all your advice and encouragement throughout the clinic. You guys deserve to have a great trip and a fantastic run!
Dave O. (aka Hamilton Dave)
Oh B'Ann, Please stop worrying and go out and enjoy your day. Remember you did the hard run last year in windy Mississauga, this one is just for fun. You have earnt this just as much as everybody else out there running with you.
If the going gets tough at 30K just look out for some nice architecture and think of me and Kathy!
Mario,Joe and Mark - I know that you'll all have a great race on Monday. We'll all be thinking of you and watching you back in Oakville - so don't forget those walk breaks! Look after B'Ann, tell her to stop worrying and give her a hug from the 3:45ers at the start and the finish!
Thanks you Dave for the great tips, as always. I do hope I get to see everyone before Boston. Your "Nervous Ned" email is a bit too true to life for me right now, I'm afraid. I'm trying to get all my work cleared away before heading off for the big (hills) weekend in Beantown.
All the best,
[Mark qualified for Boston in the Fall 2006 class of HHB]
Hello to all those who are Boston bound:
Best of luck to all of you who are headed to Boston today. I wish you:
Good weather
Good travel
Good health (don't worry B'Ann, you'll rally for Monday) Good fun Good run
We'll be looking forward to the debrief when you return.
Have a great race.
Joe, Mario, B'Ann, Mark,
Best of luck in Boston, I know you'll all have a terrific run. Enjoy every moment.
I'm not at the clinic tonight (big surprise there) as I'm just getting over a cold, and didn't want to pass it on.
OK so the panic is starting to set in a little bit. The thing that I look forward to when I wake up at 6:00am is checking the blog and seeing everyones good wishes. I know we all really appreciate them. I sure do.
We received an email telling all participants that the race looks like it would consist of heavy rains and strong in your face winds (up to 50mph gusts) for the whole race. So I am putting my fins, snorkle and diving weight on and I am doing this thing.
My number is 17765 and I will be the one in the umbrella hat.
Hey Guys! It's Sunday afternoon, the gang is all finished their long run and hopefully you guys have settled into Boston. B'Ann, did you buy $5,000 worth of merchandise at the expo?
It looks like it's going to be a rainy day for the marathon tomorrow. So make sure you all lube up really well and smile through that "liquid sunshine". Don't worry about a fast time, just think about having a GREAT time!
Well the rain held off this morning for our long run (after a 90% probability from the weather dudes) so here's hoping it holds off for you guys too! But even if it doesn't...hey, it's Boston and you're sure to have a fabulous time. Enjoy it and know that everyone back home is cheering you on.
have sooooooooo much fun, you guys :-) i can't wait to hear all about it!!
see you soon,
Hi Guys and Girl,
I wish all the best to you for the race. I am sure you will all do great. Hey, just being there is a wonderful thing in itself.
I bet you were not expecting to have to swim, snorkel or whatever to the finish. I hope the weather has some mercy for all the runners.
Can't wait to hear the stories. You guys and Kathy are an inspiration to us all.
B'Ann, Joe, Mario and Mark
Have fun, don't get injured, finish the race...and the rest is all gravy!
Good luck in Boston. At some point the wind has to be behind you and all the rain will keep you cool and lubricate the pavement so that you can run faster!
Boston - how exciting ! The whole experience must be incredible – the city and its history, the other runners, and most of all the race itself. Can’t wait to hear the stories.
You guys are so inspiring. Best of luck on Monday.
Here's praying that the weather man isn't right. If he is have a great race anyway and be happy that you are running in Boston and not trying to qualify for Boston. Can't wait to hear about your race. Have a great run!
The storm may be hitting you about now but this Boston website says the worst may be over by Monday morning.
Regardless... this video will help you get in the right spirit! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQbQWnaK8HI
Keep splashing and having fun!
B'Ann, Mario and Joe,
Good luck tomorrow. You will all do great and are an inspiration for us rookies. A little wind and rain should be nothing for you considering the weather you have had to train through this winter.
If you are looking for some last minute inspiration check out this on youtube.
Take care. Looking forward to some good stories at the pub.
B'Ann, Mario and Joe,
Good luck tomorrow - I'll be sending lots of good thoughts and prayers that the weather is good - I know you'll all have a great race and am looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back. Have a great run - you're an inspiration to us all!
B'Ann, Mario, Joe, Mark:
Thiking about you as you prepare for the race which is less than one hour from the time I write this. IN particular, hoping you are feeling wonderfully positive despite the challenging weather. You have a lot of suppport behind you! Will be following your progress.
Mark S.
I was just checking out www.boston.com. They have some great shots from the Athlete's village and it looks as if they will be updating with pictures throughout the day. The pictures put the weather conditions into perspective rather than just looking at the weather reports. It looks mighty wet and mighty cold.
Sorry, I didn't get in this blog earlier...I know you all are going to do your best and that what really matters!
So, the conditions might not be ideal (far from)but they weren't for most of the training. :) I can't wait to hear the stories and will be following along.
You all are sooo inspirational and proud to know you!!
Hope that you have a good run!
WOW! WOW! WOW! A huge congratulations to you Boston Marathoners.
I watched on-line all day ... and one by one I saw you finishing. You all did OUTSTANDING!!
What an unbelievable accomplishment - relish in it!
Dear B'Ann, Joe, Mario and Mark,
YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!! Like Mary Lynn, I watch online all day and was blown away by the times that you all ran. From the sounds of it, going out the door for a 5k would have been hard enough, but to run 42.2 in the conditions that you faced is incredible. You should all be so very proud of yourselves. Can't wait to hear the stories and see the medals!!!
Hi B'Ann, Joe, Mark and Mario,
Hope the wind was behind you the whole race. It was nasty in Toronto.
you guys are Awesome
i checked your times, and i am in total awe
(hey- it also lists how old you guys are - teehee :-)
amazing... you guys are fantastic!!
CONGRATULATIONS! You guys should all be very proud...hopefully the weather wasn't as bad as it sounded. You should all be extremely proud...first on making it to Boston and second, on completing it in such difficult conditions. A job well done! Hope you enjoyed the moment.
B'Ann, Mark, Mario & Joe
Congratulations! You guys are great - warched you online throughout the day - and you all ran an amazing race - in spite of the conditions. You should be proud - we all are!!!
B'Ann, Joe, Mario:
Congratulations, it sounded ugly by the weather report but your times are amazing.
Can't wait to hear the "true" story of the weather and all the other great details.
Way to go!!!!
B'Ann, Joe, Mario:
Congratulations! You braved the weather and got awesome results! You've made us all very proud. We hope that you're celebrating and having some fun tonight! (After Joe is done his ice therapy!) We can't wait to hear your stories and welcome you home!
Well done!
How fantastic ! I was checking in online today and could not believe your times. A big congratulations to all of you.
Hey guys - Congrats on your Boston run! Sometimes it's darkest just before the storm and I see that the rain started to diminish just as the race started. Looks like divine intervention due to all those Howlett's Heavy Breathers praying for you guys? haha When you get time, write a few words down for us.
Congrats to y'all!
What fabulous race you all ran. I followed the old fashioned way...tv. They showed the whole race until 3 pm.
Way to go!
Congratulations on completing the Boston Marathon! I am in complete awe. What a fabulous accomplishment - you should all be so proud! (I know that we all are.) Putting aside all the challenges, I hope that at the end of the day you really enjoyed the experience.
Looking forward to seeing the medals and hearing the stories at the clinic on Thursday.
... Cathie
Wow, you guys are amazing!
I think Dave's right...the heavy breathers blew the storm away.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.
Hi to everyone, I just got back from Boston and I'd like to thank you for all the support that I recieved from you. I will see you all on thursday with many stories from Boston!
Thanks Again
Trucker Joe
Hi to all:
I am just back from Boston and I am enjoying reading the blog. You all provided a great source of inspiration and support! Thank you for all the good wishes and congratulations. The weather was wet, but not as windy as it was expected. See you on Thursday and will make sure I bring my medal.
Thank you again for all your support,
Well I can't believe I finally did it!!! I'm back and in one piece.
I can not tell you how important all your wonderful sentiments have been to me. When you are away from home and can read good wishes from all your friends it really does keep you going. I had alot of stress about this marathon and everyone of your comments helped me get over my nerves for that I thank you. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Congrats to you all!!
Your totally inspirational!
I was watching online day of...totally exciting. Can't wait for the live updates and to see the metals!
Gracie :)
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