Keep in touch with the rest of HHBers and tell us where you are going and what you will be up to in 2008!
A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Barbara and I will be training for http://www.ironmanaustria.at/en.htm this July! Lots of biking, swimming and running but we are up to a trail run or a fun run anytime!
Adrian and I will likely be doing some trails during the week - if you want to join us, send an email to dave@davehowlett.com
Hi Dave,
Training for the Boxing Day 10 miler in Hamilton.
Mike P.
Hi Everyone,
Like last year, I will be running the Goofy Race and a Half in January. I am getting back into the swing of things after a couple of weeks off. It's a bit lonely training for a race that not many others are doing so if anyone is interested in joining me on my Sunday long runs let me know (kathwaszk@hotmail.com) - I would love the company!
Take Care,
Hi everyone, I'm planning on trying some different races in 2008
Martian Marathon (Dearborn Michigan) Apr 6
Cleveland Marathon May 18
Our office will be putting a couple of teams in the Mississauga Corporate Relay and I plan on running one of the 8.5km legs.
Take care,
Hi Everyone
Also training for Disney's 'Goofy' marathon and a half after taking a week and a bit off. Running with Lynn, Kim and Iona - Kathy, you're welcome to join us for the long runs on the weekend if you want ... we're a bit slower (around 4:00 to 4:15 pace), but that's a long way to run by yourself :)
Let us know if you're interested.
Hi everyone
I'm training to qualify for Boston 2009( I'm old now!) and will run either Mississauga Marathon ( my nemesis!) or Vancouver marathon for my first attempt in the spring.
Kathy - you know that you can always run with me on Sunday!
Hi Dave,
I just wanted to write and say thanks for your efforts and leadership over the last year at the RR Clinic.
The last time I ran over 10k prior to this January, may have been (if ever) 30 years ago. Since that I’ve managed to complete two Marathons in 2007. It’s been fun.
I must say I’ve been very impressed with how well the clinic was run, the message and philosophy, and the general great attitude of everyone participating. Most of that I believe has been a result of your approach and ability to communicate to both the group leaders and those striving to run 42.2k.
I’ve enjoyed the challenge and, most of all, the people. I look forward to continuing running will all I’ve met and hope to see you out on the road, track or trail, where ever the next run may take us.
Next Marathon? Maybe Vancouver or Mississauga in May 08. The west coast is always tempting.
Good luck with your future endeavours!
Best regards,
Hi All,
For me it's going to be the Boxing Day 10 Miler, the Chili Half and the Around the Bay. I'm going to run all three at race pace, and I'll do a full marathon training schedule for the Bay.
Once the Bay race is over, I'll decide on a spring marathon. Candidates are Mississauga (again), Ottawa or Bayshore (in Traverse City, Michigan).
I hope everyone has a great winter, and I'm sure I'll see many of you out there at the races or on the trails.
I'll be doing the Chilly Half for the 4th year running (no pun intended!) and I'm contemplating Around the Bay. I didn't race ATB last year, I did it at LSD pace so I'd like to race it this year. No plans to do a full Spring marathon but I'm planning on doing a Fall one.
Hope to see everyone out and about on the roads!
Hey guys,
It's great to see everyone keeping in touch. I just want to 2nd what Cam has said. I want to thank Dave for taking the time to run the clinic. You did a great job. I can remember doing the learn to run and looking up at all the "marathoners". I never thought I would be one. When I joined my first full clinic it was scary and intimidating. But, with the help and support of Dave and all the people in the clinic I was able to achieve my goal. (plus enjoy it so much that I wanted to contimue on)
My plans are Goofy in January, Chili, Around the Bay, and we'll see about what spring marathon. I would like to do something different. But most of all-- I would like to keep running with the friends that I have made. I look forward to seeing everyone in January. Happy running and I hope everyone has a great holiday season.
Hey Dave,
Well, we had a blast doing the "Goofy" at Disney. Wayne and I are already signed up to do it in 09.
My next races will be Chili, Around the Bay, and then Audrey and I are doing the Buffalo marathon on May 25th.
The marathon group is not the same without all the familiar faces. You are missed but I hope that everyone's training is going well for them.
I'd love to hear about what, or how, everyone else is training. What is the difference from the RR schedule and do you like it better.
Hope this finds everyone well. Happy running
Kim Homer
I am not sure how many people will see this but..... I wanted to wish those doing Boston good luck. I don't even know the actual date but I thought it was coming up soon.... right? I hope everyone's running is going well.
Kim Homer
Well...it's official. Adrian and I signed up for the 50 km Run for the Toad on Oct 7. Since Barbara and I postponed doing an Ironman this year...too many balls in the air to train propoerly for it...I figured a nice little 50 km jaunt might be the ticket in early October! http://www.runforthetoad.com/
Lots of trail running this summer!
Just want to say good luck to all those people at Boston right now. I am sure B Ann is doing me proud at the expo :)
Congrats to Dave doing the Toad Race. Thought about doing it but it is just before the Buffalo marathon so maybe next year.
Plus, I have the Niagara Ultra in June so I need to save myself .... ha ha ha ha. For what I don't know yet he he he.
Happy running to everyone.
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