A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
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A on-site discussion on the trials, tribulations and triumphs of some Oakville endurance runners. Use the "comments" box below the blog to add your feedback.
Good luck to everyone running this race on Sunday - enjoy the experience that you have all trained so hard for ( yes even the last 10K)I hope to come and support you on the streets of Toronto -see you there!
Good luck everyone!
You all look really strong, and ready for your race.
We will be looking for your SMILING faces .... as we cheer you on from the sidelines!
Mary Lynn :)
Thanks to everyone who is coming out to cheer us all on and also to the entire crew as you have all been a great support from the get go!!!
Cheers to you all!
1 day 14 hours 35 mins and 42.2 kms later...I'll be getting a free massage! :)
My motivation to getting to the finish line, along with the embarassment factor...having told everyone at work, family, friends, strangers...basically anyone who would listen.
Thanks for all the wonderful support! I didn't get a chance to run on Sundays with the group but love coming each Thursday!
Now I just have to remember to smile across the finish line!
I will start practicing now...
Grace :)
I am posting this on the day before the race. Looking back prior to the start of the clinic, I didn't think there was any way I could finish a marathon. Today, there is no way WE can't finish! The support of everyone in our 4:15 group has been terrific, as has the advice of the folks outside our tight knit group. A big thank you to Dave for being the glue of the program. A big shout out to Dr. Garmin for being a great group leader. To Mark, Henny, France, Michele,Heather Gary and Grace, a heart felt thank you for your support and sense of humour during this journey.
Finally, to my wife Laura and my girls Hannah and Caitlyn - Thank you for being my inspiration.
OK so I really am blonde. I left my message to you all on the Niagara site.
So Again good luck and congratulations to you all. The hard work is done. Now it is time to enjoy your accomplishments. You just have one more run before the hardware, which you should wear for at least 2 weeks.
I will be on the sidelines cheering you on. I can't to hear about all your experiences. You are all amazing!!!!!!!
Hey Guys...I'm sitting in an intenet cafe on Robson street in Vancouver and thought I would type you all a few lines. I just checked the weather forecast for Toronto and it looks AWESOME! (remember to keep warm before the race and for the first 10-15 km.
If you are feeling the nerves today, that's entirely normal. Just keep smiling, make sure you have all your gear prepared tonight and by this time tomorrow -you will have done it!
Remember that other people may see your marathon medal as an indicator that you ran 42.2 km. But you know it really means you plodded a total of about 900 km to train for this day, swallowed about a million gels and shared the ups and downs, the happiness and heartaches with your buddies in the pacegroup. "the friends we keep the miles we leave"
Mike, thanks for your contributions as group leader and your always-steady influence on the first timers!
Hey guys - Barbara and I are checking on the race results for Toronto- and seeing a lot of great times for great people. Congratulations! BTW - it's raining cats and dogs here in Vancouver...good thing you weren't out here doing that 42.2 km.
Now go ahead and have that BIG meal tonight! And when you get out of that ice bath and have had your massage...send us your story!
Congratulations to everyone who ran Toronto International today - great job!!!!
What a day! Congratulations just does not seem big enough for all of you "MARATHONERS" that ran today.
You all did incredible!!!!
You should be so proud of your accomplishment. We are all so proud of you.
Looking forward to hearing all about those 42.2 kms.
Rest well tonight if you can ... you deserve it!
Mary Lynn
I will keep this short and sweet.
In the imfamous words of my hero Sponge Bob Square Pants....It was the BEST DAY EVER!
Congrats to all you sore but triumphant Toronto marathoners!!!!
We heard out about the earthquake in Hawaii a few hours before our flight tonight and so cancelled our trip to Kona (sigh). We'll spend a few days on Vancouver island and will be home Wednesday.
...guess someone up there didn't want us looking at palm trees while all of you were hiking up Hogs Hollow. See you later this week.
Congrats to everyone who ran Toronto yesterday! Especially to my pace team co-runners who have helped keep me on track the last few months - Dave, France & Dana. I tried to find you in the morning before the 1/2 marathon started but couldn't find you (tough in a crowd of 10,000)!
I love reading everyone's stories, and France, you probably had such a big smile because Sponge Bob was to be found EVERYWHERE on the race course. Hope you took home one of the sponges!
Thanks to everyone on the race course yesterday - I saw so many people I knew along the way! It makes it fun, and gives that little added bit of encouragement.
I had a great run day yesterday. My hamstring held out, and I managed to keep a long run pace and finish at 2:08. Only two weeks to go for Detroit!
See y'all at Dave's party!
Congratulations guys!!!
I was thinking of all of you as I watched the clock yesterday. You must feel so proud - way to go! Rest and take in all of the great memories you have encountered over the past 16 weeks. Great friends, great conversations! Cheers to you all! See you at the party. Steph
This is my first run with a group that managed to stay together for most of the race, it made the run feel shorter.
Also my first run with so much support from fellow runners, it gave me the lift to keep me going.
It was just great to see Michele, Chis, Cari, Joe and B'Ann's team at the finish line? (hope I didn't miss anyone)
Thanks Mark for being my "mother goose" in the wind tunnel on Lakeshore, I don't think I could have kept the pace without your gallant offer.
Great learning experience for all of us, we were 2 minutes behind the pace at the half and felt confident that we can make the time up on the down hill, but the downhill turned out to be harder than we expected.
Great finish France, Mark and Richard, our disciplined pacing helped and looked like all of you had gas left in the tank at the end.
Henny, you made a heroic effort with your painful IT band, I don't know if I could have kept going.
Overall, I am very happy with the run, it is a PB for me and I am looking forward to many more runs with all of you.
Mike Perge
You guys are amazing!!!!!
You looked so happy and strong when we saw you.
The 3:45 group is inspired. Hats off to you all.
Wear your medal proud. You have accomplished something that very few people will ever even dream of attempting.
Hey guys, a big big CONGRATULATIONS to you all! B'Ann, Mary Lynn and I all had a great time out there on the course supporting you and cannot believe how strong you all looked at the finish - I guess those 10 and 1s must work after all!
I was particularly impressed by the way the 4:15 group managed to run together and still be speaking to each other at the end!
Hats off to France who looked like the happiest person on the course yesterday - don't you know that you're not meant to be smiling at 41K!
We're all inspired now for Detroit even if none of us are able to speak this morning!
Enjoy the self satisfied ( if achey)warm glow of having finished your marathon - you earned it!
See you at the party
Well, I think I can speak now.. I have to say Joe was correct, walking down the stairs backwards is actually a lot less painful.
I don't think I have ever felt so many different emotions in a matter of 4 hours 20 minutes and 29 seconds as I did on Sunday. I laughed I cried I hurt (a lot) and of course I cursed (a lot)!
Thank you so very much to everyone that came out to cheer us on it was amazing to see you all even though things got a little blurry after 38K for me..
I can't thank my group enough for bringing me through to the finish line. I couldn't have done it without you and Cari WOW you were awesome my friend, thanks!!
WOW!!! What an awesome day! Great Weather, Conditions and Support!!
Going in…I was really nervous!!
I “ran” into the 4:15 group (they were yelling out my name and I finally realize...hey that’s me) just before the race. I was so happy to see familiar faces! They totally boasted my Spirits! I really appreciated it! Thank you!!
So, why was I so nervous…about 2 weeks ago, I started getting heel pain. I really taper down my running. I knew that the Marathon for me was just to complete, injury free, smiling and hopefully vertical.
I’m happy to report, that I did it! However, I’m really sore but injury free!!
Along the way, made some friends…
Samaneh her 1st Marathon – she was down from Ottawa – we ran the first 10 k together.
Chris – this was his 4th marathon…his goal is to do 50 before 80! Unfortunately, I lost him around 17 kms…he got a pull in his leg.
They both made it across the finish line!
I ran on my own for about another km…then I “ran” into Jaime (from Marathon Class) and her friend Johanna (I think-I’m horrible with names)! We had said hello prior to the race, were back and forth for most of the beginning. Jaime saved me with Advil earlier on too…my foot was acting up…around my toes but not my heel! We ran as a group till about the 33 k mark. Most memorable moment…Jaime getting Vodka at the Water station just before 30 k! Not good form…we info. the race officials. Big Thank you to the "White Hat" Girls!!
The rest of the race…I was starting to feel it, definitely slowed down but determined to finish. I celebrate every K...as it was one more closer to the end. I had my cellphone with me, so, my friends were calling to encourage me as well.
I really need to single out Michelle! She was incredible!!! Not sure about the Km points but you will get the just of it…
I saw her around 15 k…she was so encouraging, supportive and wonderful! She found us around 23 k…with some Advil! Love her…totally a Lifesaver!! Ran with me about ½ K around 39 k and grab my Running belt which felt like I instantly lost 10 pds! I totally believe in Karma…while, I can’t make it to Detroit for her marathon! I really wish I could. I will be sending all my good vibes! I hope you have a great race and hope to see you at the reunion!
My last K was really tough but AWESOME! I heard Chris and Joe screaming out my name that gave me my final push to cross the finish line! Thanks Guys!!
I was a ½ hour behind pace @ 5 hrs 3 mins and 17.5 seconds but so happy that I could finally call myself a Marathon Runner! When I cross the 2nd mat, I raise my hands up in the air & yell out “I did it”! My friends and family, were there to give me a big hug (pretty impressive as I wasn’t smelling that good)!!
However, the truth is I had wonderful support, incredible experiences and made friends along the way! This one definitely about the Journey…the next one I will work on my pace!
Thank you, Everyone!!
Good on ya Grace!
Hi Henny and Mike:
I want to congratulate you on completing the Toronto International Marathon. You had a great split time and pace. Enjoy the well deserved rest and look forward to hearing your stories about the race.
Best regards,
You are a Marathoner!!!
And a great inspiration.
WOW Grace - thank you for sharing that awesomse story!!!
...Just clearing the tears from my eyes (...a bit emotional lately - must be the pre-marathon nerves). :)
CONGRATULATIONS you guys! Barbara and I just pulled in late last night and I spent part of today reading all the stories and comments. Even crusty old Joe (who I ran 10 km with tonight) said that cheering people on a marathon was a totally different experience that running one himself. He really enjoyed himself! So those of you who did the race likely gave back as much as you took.
And now...wherever you go, whatever you do in life...
You are ...marathoners!!!!
Grace - LOVE your story! Congratulations. The emotions I feel when reading a story such as your is one of the reasons why I continue to run and train as a group. You're story will motivate me as I near my marathon in Detroit next week-end. Way to GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear TO Marathoners!
Congratulations to you all! What amazing stories...thank you for sharing them with us. During our long run on Sunday, the 3:45 group kept looking at the time and counting down to the start of your race. Although I couldn't be there to cheer you on in person, I was thinking of you all every step of the way. Wear you medals with pride, YOU EARNED THEM!!!!!
Take Care,
Hey Richard
I hope you never forget that woman on Spadina screaming out to you "Richard, you are sexy and hot". That's one for the memory bank!!!!!!!!
42 years old, 42 km's..... It seemed like the right time for my first marathon. I knew all would be right with the world that day when I heard Sponge Bob would be there.
Thought I would be a nervous nelly but that just never happened. I think it was because I was surrounded by great people and was well prepared. (thanks team!)
I couldn't have had a better day. I think Jo (....the british one!!)was right, I was the happiest one out there on the course. How could I not be? Besides, learned I can do math in my head at 34k. I can't do that at the best of times!!!!
Running makes you a Smarty Pants!
As I headed up Uni. Ave I thought "this is hard" but then I thought "well duh, you just ran 40k!!!". That was enough for me to just kick into gear and motor on. I was beginning to think they put the name Smiley on my bib as that was what people were calling out to me.
Thanks to everyone for their support at clinic, coming out to cheer us on and for all the well wishes.
I think I may just have to do this again!!!!!
Running + pub night = Fun
Great stories everyone!
Way to go Grace, Richard, Hennie, Mark, Dr. Garmin, Jamie, Johanna, 4:17!!!!
Your stories demonstrate the team work involved in training and how much team work helps in completing 42 K in a great time. I'm in awe!
Jamie, Vodka at 30K? and you only shared dark chocolate with Lynn and I during our 36K run?
You're all Marathoners! See you at the party and the next clinic.
Way to go,
Hey Tom
Thanks for remembering my new name!!!
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