Hey Gang - we'll try to keep you informed of our adventures at Ironman Austria! and post a few notes on this blog.
July 2 - fly to Amsterdam, then Luxembourg, then Vienna. July 3 Train to Klagenfurt. July 4-7 get ready. July 8 The race! July 9 Train to Vienna July 11 Train to Bologna July 15 Fly to Amsterdam and back to Canada.
We are fairly certain there will be a live video feed at http://www.ironmanlive.com/ all day on Sunday. If so, Klagenfurt is 6 hours ahead of us, the race starts 7 am Sunday July 8 (1 am Toronto time...so when you wake up Sunday morning, we should have finished the swim and will have been on the bikes for a few hours). Expect us to finish between 13 and 15 hours...that's between 2pm and 4pm Toronto time). I'll try to have a cheesy grin on my face as not to disappoint any of you - as usual...Barbara will likely hop, skip and jump at the finishing line!
All the best to you both! I hope that this Ironman experience is one of the best. Good luck and may the weather gods cooperate and provide an ideal day.
Enjoy the trip as well. That too sounds like an adventure. Looking forward to reading the stories!
Take care,
Thanks Cathie, this weekend will be one of packing bikes, making lists and trying to remember 9 million things!
Dave and Barb: Have a great experience in Austria and bring back lots of great stories.
I've said this before, but once again you are both providing lots of motivation to the rest of HHB's to run,swim,spin and enjoy a healthy life.
Best wishes in the water and on the road.
Hey Barb and Dave:
I hope that you both enjoy your Iron Man event in Austria. You both have trained very hard and look in great shape. I will be cheering from here and will be watching through the Internet as last year.
Remember to take fluids Dave. I know that you will be able to have your PB this time.
Barb, lets see you jumping again at the finishing line!
Best of luck and look forward to your stories.
Have a safe trip and enjoy the rest after the event.
Best regards,
Best of luck to both of you in your Ironman competition--you guys are truly inspirational and we will be cheering you on in friendly Canadian fashion. I'm sure all your training will pay off in Austria. Most of all...enjoy yourselves!
We will miss you at the clinic but look forward to hearing your incredible stories.
Give 'em hell Dave! Pound it out all the way to the end.
Dave and Barbara,
You are both inspirational. Have a great race. You have both earned it. Your training and dedication will pay off. Bring back medals, shirts and stories.
Best wishes,
All the very best of luck to the both of you. See, Dave, if you wore scuba gear, then dehydration wouldn't be problematic.
Hey guys,
I just want to wish you the best of everything. I hope you have a great race, a great "moment" at the finish line, a wonderful time being tourist, and have a lot of wonderful memories.
We will all want to hear about it and see pictures.
You guys make us proud :)
Enjoy yourselves.
have so much fun :-)
Thanks guys for your kind wishes - Barbara is in Luxembourg and I fly out tonight (Monday). I spent yesterday morning packing up the bikes in the bike boxes. All systems seem to be a "go". The weather in Europe has been pretty hot (mid-30's) so hydration will be very important on this race. (Maybe I'll spend the whole time paddling around in the lake to keep cool!) I hope all the Howlett Heavy Breathers have a great two weeks. Barbara and I have sent this link to a number of family and friends, so you may see other people posting comments as well.
Hi Barbara and Dave,
Hope you had a safe trip to Europe and had a chance to spend some time visiting the sites. This is the day you've been training for, just go out and have fun. Say Hi to Arnold, I think he's back.
Dear Dave and Barb,
The time is almost here for you to realize your goals after all your hard work this winter and spring. We'll be thinking of you all day on July 8th. What you're doing will make our Sunday long run seem a breeze by comparison! Have a great race, both of you, and be safe. Enjoy the holiday portion of your trip afterwards - you sure will have earned it!
Hugs to both of you,
Dave.....a pick up line for you to try while in Austria (I think Barb will appreciate this one)...
Dave - "That's lovely accent you have. New Jersey?"
Hot Austrian Ironman chick - "Austria."
Dave - "Austria! Well, then. G'day mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!"
Hot Austrian Ironman chick - "Let's not."
Take Care,
So Barb's work should be done now and it's hard to believe a year of training has passed (well maybe not that's alot of training).
Have a fabulous time on Sun. Stay well hydrated and I will be looking for your fine finishes.
Barb should be done WORK now.
I missed a word. I'm not awake yet.
Lynn Said:
Heys Guys - Have a great time. You've worked hard. Swim like the fish, ride like the wind, and bring home that run. Enjoy the experience. Hope the weather gods are smiling favorably. I'll be checking in on line on the big day! What an amazing experience.
After planes(4), trains (1) and automobiles (paking bike boxes is always a challenge) we made it to klagenfurt around 1pm wednesday. Its pouring rain here but supposed to clear by the weekend.
Apparently they get a lot of canadian and us athletes here we just met a lady in her 50's who is doing this as her 16th Ironman! Austria is beautiful, the people are great, tomorrow we go for a swim in the lake and a nice 32km
bike ride. Tonight...perhaps a nice wienerschnitzel!
All the best
Dave and Barbara
Hi Guys!
Both of your kitty kats are healthy and happy.
Have a fantastic day and don't forget to bring me home the guy that wins!!!
Have a fabulous race day and finish with a smile - Barbara - I expect nothing short of backflips across the finish line this year! What are your bib numbers so we can live track you? Can't wait to hear all the gory details when you get home! Stephanie
I was just checking out the Ironman Austria Website. There was a little phrase in the race instructions that I thought was very appropriate.....
"You are a winner already...
Be a star!"
Have a fantastic race!
Hi Barb and Dave,
I'm so happy to hear that you and your equipment have arrived safe and sound in klagenfurt. Now you can really settle in and enjoy yourselves.
Have a great race and a fantastic time travelling around afterward.
Looking forward to hearing all about the experience.
All the best, Avis
It's day 2 of klagenfurt adventure!
Today we 1)swam in the beautiful worthersee ...apparently it was drinkable water until I got in there) 2) visited the expo (lots of stuff but we didn't pull a B'Ann and break the bank 3)took a driving tour of the b ike course (gulp..a little hillier than I thought *#)_?!) And then finished off with a pizza and a coffee. We've been reading your kind and funny messages-thx so much. The nerves are starting to build but tomorrow is "pig-out" carbo load day so YAHOO!!!
Dave and Barb;
Relax you need the nerves to start the training. You have both worked very hard and deserve this. Have great race.
Hi Guys,
Glad to hear that you are having a good time. About those hills..... they're just a figment of your imagination. At least that is what my husband says as we're running them.
We had a good clinic night. B Ann is doing a great job and Mikes talk on the garmin was great.
Everyone was talking about you guys and how we can watch you as do your race. Hopefully you both can feel the strength from all the positive and wonderful thoughts that are being directed your way. Everyone is proud of both of you and you haven't even started the race yet :):)
Best of luck.
We will turn on the internet at one oclock - because we know you'll be flying. Best of luck to you both on the 8th. We are rooting for you here.
John, Nancy, Greg, Matt, Amanda, Tanya, Caleb and Caidra
Hi Dave and Barb
It seems hard to believe that the race time is almost here!The months go by so fast when you're having fun (training...)!!
Best of luck to both of you, that you will feel strong and powerful for the whole time you are out there, doing it according to your plan! Tim and I did 55 klm on our bikes on Weds this week, and thought about you guys doing 180 klm ...all I can say is wow and hats off to you both!!!
Go get 'em tigers!!!
Margaret and Tim
Hey everyone!
It's the night before the event, we checked our bikes and gear into the transition area and now it's time (to try) to sleep before a 4am walk-up,breakfast at 4:30 and then the shuttle down to do a alst minute gear check,get the numbers painted on us,and into our wesuits for a 7am start. 1hen some of youwake up around 7am, we'll hsve finished the swim (it ends swimming up a canal only about 20 feet across) and we'll be about 90 km into the bike! www.ironmanlive.com has the event online. Dave is bib 1851 and Barb is 2398 Off to bed!
Best of luck to both of you tomorrow...we're with you in spirit!
Race Day at 11:30 Oakville time and Barb and Dave have both finished the swim and bike ride.
Daves approaching the 21Km mark and Barbs approaching 9Km in the marthon segment, it's something else to see your times and splits.
Way to go Barb and Dave!!!
Wow! I'm watching the live feed and just saw you cross the finish line Dave (2:53pm in Oakville)...how cool is that?! You looked fantastic--big smile, arms up in the air, running with a kick...you're incredibly inspiring!! Congratulations on a terrific race, you deserve to be very proud.
Hi Dave:
Congratulations on your finishing the Iron Man! I am watching the live feed and I hope I can see Bar crossing the finishing line.
You both are inspiring.
Great work and have a good rest.
Just watched you cross too Barb...nice jump!! You are incredible...congratulations!
Hi Barb:
I have just watched you cross the finishing line! You looked in great shape and still had the energy to jump at the end! Great smile too! Congratulations to you and Dave for a great finishing.
Look forward hearing your stories. Enjoy your vacations.
Barb & Dave,
I was fortunate enough to catch both of your finishes live. Truly inspiring! You should both be very proud.
Looking forward to your return, to see the medals and hear the stories.
Dave O.
Guys you are amazing!!!
Talk about inpiring. Dave even you had a jump at the end. You guys looked great. Enjoy the holiday. Eat and drink till your hearts content. Can't wait to see all the hardware and shopping of course.
Well done Barbara and David, great accomplishment. Enjoy the rest of your Europian vacation.
Mike P.
Way to go Barb and Dave. Enjoy the rest of your time in Europe. We look forward to hearing about your experience when you return.
Congratulations Barb and Dave - Great job! You must both be very proud - we are!!! Enjoy the rest of your vacation - looking forward to hearing all about your adventure.
Hi everyone! It's the day after the race and we are enjoying the sunshine in an outdoor cafe..a little bushed but no injuries. It looks like a lot of you saw the finish live; that' great tHat you shared in the excitment. We took lots of phots and video and have lots of great stories (eg unisex change tents, huge hills, pitchblack tunnels and great beer) and also have 2 cool meda"s and a DVD to share. We hear it's really hot in Oakville,make sure all you runners wear a hat and are hydrating with electrolytes...many people here bonked and had to pull out of the race because of dehydration. Dave's nutrition during the race? About 13 bottles of water and energy drink, 5 cliff bars,6 gels,3 bananas,about 20 salt tablets, 6 watermelon and 6 orange slices...and a big bowl of goulash soup, a large beer and some chips at midnight. Yum! I think I still lost about 5 lbs!Barbara had some neck issues on the bike but toughed it out and finished the race with a big smile and leap as usual. We've really enjoyed reading your messages and are happy we were able to inspire you...I really think the only limition we have in life is not stretching ourselves as much as we can. But at the end of the day...it doesn't matter how long it took to climb the mountain...it's about enjoying the view and meeting great people!
Off to italy-see you all in a week!
Congratulations to you both. WELL DONE!!!!
Just an inspiration to us all.
Awesome accomplishment, Dave and Barb! You must be so proud and happy to have finished yet another adventure. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Take care and congratulations!
... Cathie
Barb and Dave. Congratulations!!!
Awesome achievements. Looking at the photos of the swim is amazing.
You both did fantastic and we all look forward to the stories and
Have a great week in Europe.
Dave and Barb, congratulations to your stellar achievements! Pat yourselves on the back!
Have lots of gelato for me! That's my favourite Italian memory, other than those cute Italian guys.
(aka Avril)
Congratulations on an outstanding race. Once again your dedication and commitment towards training has paid off. Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Chris & Henny
You are both SUPERSTARS!!!!!
Kathy & Allan
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